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The Carnival Master Page 15

  ‘That,’ she said. ‘I want to look like that.’

  ‘You sure?’ asked the hairdresser. ‘Your hair has a lovely natural colour. Most of my customers would kill for hair your shade of blonde. They keep asking me but I never manage it, of course.’

  ‘Can you manage that?’ asked Maria.

  The hairdresser shrugged and handed back the photograph of Maria and her friend and colleague Anna Wolff. ‘Easy. If you’re sure that’s what you want …’

  An hour and a half later, Maria was out on the street again. Despite the cold she didn’t put her hat back on. The chill air nipped at her newly exposed ears and every now and then she would stop and look at her reflection in a shop window. Her hair was now a very dark brown, not quite as dark as Anna’s and not quite as spiky-short, but it changed her appearance considerably.

  The cosmetics assistant in the department store on Hohe Strasse was a little puzzled as to why her customer seemed so unsure about what went with her colouring, but a few minutes later Maria, who had always been conservative with her make-up, had a bag full of strong colours in eyeshadow, blusher and lipstick. The next store she went to, she described exactly the make-up she had just bought and claimed that she’d been wearing those shades for years and she wanted something completely different.

  Before she found the next shop, she had to stop a couple of times to take the page she had torn from the telephone directory from her pocket and check the address against her street plan of Cologne. It was about lunchtime and, although her belly felt swollen to her from her unaccustomed breakfasting, she had a light lunch of soup and bread in the restaurant across the street. Maria now felt totally bloated and imagined her stomach distended, but she fought back the urge to make herself sick. It was all part of the plan.

  It was a middle-aged and clearly gay man who took her through the selection of wigs. Maria told him that she was an actress and was always looking for something to change her look. It was clear that the salesman had doubts about her story, but she explained that she often had to supply her own wigs and costumes. It was, she explained, a very specific form of acting she did, mainly for the DVD market. The salesman smiled knowingly, and took her through a range of styles, short and long, brunette, blonde and redhead. Maria bought five wigs, which delighted the salesman, although she was horrified at the cost.

  ‘We could always put one back …’ suggested the salesman tentatively.

  ‘No … it’s fine. I’ll take them all.’

  Maria called into another couple of clothes stores on her way to the hotel and arrived back in her room laden with shopping bags. She drew the curtains and stripped naked, standing with all the lights on in front of the mirror. She had been dreading this moment, knowing that after eating two meals in one day for the first time in months she would see how hideously bloated and fat she would have become. But she didn’t. For so long Maria had been used to regarding her naked form with loathing, seeing the flesh swollen and fat. But not this time. It was as if her decision to become someone else had shifted her perspective and she was looking at someone else’s body. So much damage. Maria had always been shapely, but slim. Now, after months of binging, purging and weeks of semi-starvation, Maria’s body looked emaciated. Her ribs showed through the skin and her thighs seemed thinner than her knees. Her upper arms were stick-thin and the knife scar beneath her shrunken breasts contrasted pink against her pale, lifeless skin. Her face, beneath its new crown of near-black, short-cropped hair, looked gaunt and drawn. What had she done to herself?

  She dismissed the thought: she would separate herself from the flesh of which she was composed. Her body would now simply be a canvas that she could use to create a dozen different Marias. The idea had been there when she had woken up: she had wished she could have brought in Anna to help her with the surveillance. Well, she could: by making herself into Anna and anyone else she chose to be. As the thought had evolved from an idea to a strategy to a plan, Maria had rediscovered a sense of resolve and direction. Instead of trying to dissolve into the background with her grungy clothes, she would become other people.


  Oliver drank his coffee and gazed at the blank white-tiled wall opposite him. But he wasn’t seeing anything. Instead his mind dwelt on what had happened in the hotel room. It had been five days now and he had heard nothing. But he knew it would take the police some time to trace him, if ever. He had been extremely careful in his planning; in ensuring that his tracks were covered. She had made so much fuss, so much noise. She had known what he had wanted, that he had special needs: so why had she started to scream? Why did the stupid sluts always scream when they knew all along what he had to do to them? Oliver had had no choice other than to shut her up before someone in the hotel heard her.

  He took another sip of coffee. No. He had nothing to worry about. He would never use that escort agency again and he would lie low for a while. And if he needed to exercise that deliciously dark side of his nature, then he would travel to another city.

  Oliver drained his cup. He pulled on surgical gloves of a particularly heavy latex and snapped the cuffs around the sleeves of his protective gown. He went through the door and into a room flooded with a cheerless, harsh luminescence from neon strip lights. The steel tray was already set out with all the blades and tools he would need.

  The taint hung faint but growing in the air. Oliver knew the causes of it, understood the science behind it: the smell of cellular degradation escaping from the large open wounds, the pooling of stagnant blood in livid blotches in the lowest points, the odour leeching out through the skin. But no matter how scientific the explanation or professional the understanding, it was still quite simply the smell of death. He took a deep breath, picked up a large-bladed scalpel and held it poised for a moment as he looked down on the corpse, already split with large gashes, before him.


  25–26 January


  There was no such thing as a slow day at the Speisekammer and Ansgar Hoeffer always arrived at the restaurant early for his shift. He was the Head Chef and saw his duties extending beyond when he officially clocked on and off. It was, after all, his reputation that had been behind the Speisekammer’s growing success. The restaurant was doing the best trade it had known in its ten-year history. When Ansgar had first taken over the kitchen the Speisekammer had closed on Wednesdays. Now it did brisk midweek business for both lunches and evening meals. People came from across the city and beyond to savour Ansgar’s fusion cuisine which combined the best of German dishes with influences as varied as Thai, French and Japanese. And that was quite an accomplishment in Cologne: there were thirty or more world-class restaurants in the city. Even the delicatessen attached to the Speisekammer was benefiting from what Ansgar had done to elevate the restaurant’s reputation amongst Cologne’s discerning diners. Not that this had gone unnoticed or unrewarded. Ansgar was amongst the highest-paid chefs in Cologne and the owners, Herr and Frau Gallwitz, had even talked about making him a partner. Ansgar had responded positively but cautiously to this suggestion: he had enough common sense to realise that the Gallwitzes’ offer was as much motivated by sound commercial acumen as by any fondness for Ansgar who, even by his own admission, was a rather cold and distant man whose entire passion seemed concentrated on food. Everyone knew that if Ansgar moved to another restaurant, the greater part of the clientele would move with him.

  Ekatherina, the Ukrainian sous-Chef, was waiting with breathless anticipation when Ansgar arrived. She hadn’t changed into her whites yet and was still wearing her crop-top T-shirt. The T-shirt accentuated the swell of her breasts and her midriff was exposed: Ansgar tried not to look at the stud that pierced through the flesh of her navel. She looked up at him with her pale blue Ukrainian eyes that sparkled even brighter with morbid excitement.

  ‘Have you heard about the Biarritz?’ she asked in her heavily, sexily accented German. Ansgar shook his head. He knew of the Biarritz, but it was in the Gulaschs
uppe league: tourists and business-lunch specials.

  ‘What about the Biarritz?’ he asked and stole a look at Ekatherina’s breasts.

  ‘One of the kitchen staff has been murdered. The day before yesterday.’ She nodded her head gravely as if this added credibility to the statement.


  ‘Chopped up,’ Ekatherina said. Deliciously.

  ‘What do you mean?’ Ansgar felt his heart begin to race. He looked into Ekatherina’s electric-blue eyes. Why did Ukrainians have such bright eyes?

  ‘Someone cut him up with a meat cleaver.’ Ekatherina was clearly excited.

  No, thought Ansgar. No, not that. Anything but that. Don’t talk to me about that.

  ‘It was awful,’ said Ekatherina. ‘And in the kitchen, too. There were bits of him all over the place. Like meat.’

  Ansgar had taken his coat off and held it draped over his arm in front of him, hiding his erection.

  ‘Did they catch who did it?’

  ‘No. And it was a Ukrainian who was killed. But he was an illegal.’ Ekatherina said this with another solemn nod. Ekatherina was proud of her legal status. She had been in Germany for five years and viewed the more recent arrivals from the East with some disdain. ‘Horrible, though, isn’t it, Herr Hoeffer? I mean, with a meat cleaver …’

  Ansgar nodded curtly and headed into the kitchen, his coat still held before him.


  Maria sat outside the bar. She guessed that, living so near, Viktor would be a regular. She was not disappointed. She took a note of the time he left the apartment with his tarty girlfriend; it was almost exactly the same time that he had come into the bar on Sunday. Maria felt sick. The weight of the food she had eaten sat heavily in her gut. She had taken dinner in the restaurant before coming out and that, combined with the two other meals she had eaten that day, was causing her unaccustomed body to protest. But it was nerves more than anything that was making Maria nauseated. She could not believe that she was about to do what she was about to do. She had spent the entire afternoon experimenting with her new palette of cosmetics and trying on different wigs and outfits. But instinct had told her to go with her first idea in its purest form. She now looked like Anna Wolff. Anna, of course, was petite and had dark brown eyes, but Maria had successfully transformed herself into a taller version of her friend and colleague. She had applied a fake tan to her face and body and had given her newly dyed and cropped hairstyle the waxed, almost spiked look that Anna often had. She had filled out her lips with the same shade of fire-truck-red lipstick that Anna used and had emphasised her eyes with a quantity of shadow and eyeliner that she had never before in her life used. It was disconcerting to feel so much make-up on her face. Maria had even bought herself a biker-style leather jacket that hung too big over her thin frame and she had used a padded bra to boost her insubstantial curves under the black T-shirt.

  This was it. This was the biggest test she could undertake. She got out of the car, locked it, and crossed the street to the bar.

  Maria was shocked that the first two faces to turn to her as she walked into the bar were those of the two drunks from the last time. The one she had hit with her beer glass looked at her sullenly, a gauze pad taped to his distended and discoloured cheek. Her heart sank: this could mean that her little adventure would end before it had even begun. The two men eyed her and then turned back to their drinks. They were obviously chastened by their experience of the night before. Either that or they weren’t yet drunk enough to have the courage to molest a female. But it was clear they hadn’t recognised her and Maria felt a small thrill of satisfaction at the sight of the lingering injury she’d inflicted on Fatso. The barman was by far the greater challenge. Unlike the other two, he was sober and the same barman who had been on duty on Sunday. Instead of sitting at a table as she had before, she took a stool at the bar. She was relieved to see that the looks she received from the brassy-looking blondes in the bar were even more hostile.

  ‘What can I get you?’ asked the barman.

  Maria smiled widely. She had good teeth and had been surprised just how much Anna’s shade of lipstick accentuated them; made her mouth look sexy.

  ‘A vodka and coke, please.’ Maria did her best to sound less Hanover and more Cologne. ‘I’m here to meet a friend. He said this bar but I couldn’t find it so I’m late. Did he leave a message?’

  ‘What’s your name?’ asked the barman.

  ‘Anna …’

  He checked with another member of staff.

  ‘No. No message. Still want the vodka?’

  ‘Why not?’ Maria smiled again. The muscles in her face reminded her of just how unused to it she had become.

  Maria sat and sipped her vodka, feeling no less conspicuous than she had the night before, but this time she felt in control. Her anxiety began to ease. There was a decent enough crowd scattered around the tables, at the bar and even standing in groups talking loudly. It was dense enough foliage for her to remain as concealed as much as a young woman on her own in a bar like this could be. Maria became aware that quite a few of the conversations were taking place in a Slavic language. Whether it was Polish, Russian or Ukrainian she didn’t know; they all sounded the same to her.

  She stole a glance across at the two men who had accosted her on Sunday night. The man with the injured face still looked pretty sorry for himself and his drinking buddy looked equally as glum, but seemed to be trying to console him.

  Maria casually swung round on her bar stool. It took her a while to locate Viktor. He was sitting at a table in the far corner, wreathed in blue cigarette smoke. Maria felt a thrill when she saw he was talking to another man while his girlfriend sat looking gloomily bored. There was something about Viktor’s body language that suggested Maria had hit the jackpot: Viktor’s companion was clearly someone he was more than a little afraid of. The man had his back to her but she could see enough of his profile, build and hair colour to be confident she could ID him when he left the bar. She drained her glass and got up.

  ‘What about your friend?’ asked the barman.

  ‘Sod him. His loss,’ she said with a grin and left the bar.


  It was Wednesday the twenty-fifth. Buslenko had been able to give his team three solid days of briefing. It still wasn’t enough, but he knew that Vitrenko had so many informers and double agents in place across the Ukrainian security apparatus that moving quickly and surprising him was their one advantage.

  Buslenko was impressed, however: Sasha had done well with his choices. After only three days, it seemed as if the eight members of the team had worked together for years. The only slight exception was Olga Sarapenko. Her background as a Kiev city militia policewoman set her slightly apart from the others. Sasha had recommended her and Buslenko had agreed. There was no doubt that she was tough enough but Buslenko struggled to see her that way, continuously pushing aside the way he felt attracted to her.

  But the team had to contend with another enemy that was even more unpredictable than Vitrenko. The weather had taken a turn for the worse and more snow had made the track impassable. Buslenko had always known that choosing such a remote location in the middle of the Ukrainian winter carried the risk of this happening. He had allowed himself a couple of days’ leeway in setting the start of the mission. That said, they were going to have to start digging their way out if it snowed any more.

  Buslenko decided that the third evening should be free of talk of the dangerous mission they had to undertake. Stoyan, the Crimean Tatar, reheated the leftover varenyky. They ate and played cards, taking turns to take lookout duty in the cold night air. Buslenko always felt more secure when Vorobyeva watched their backs. He was one of the team members personally selected by Buslenko and was going to handle the security for the mission. Vorobyeva’s background in a specialist Titan unit meant that he could read any environment and identify exactly where threats were likely to come from. It was as true in an otherwise unknown German city as it was h
ere in a snow-covered forest. Vorobyeva had been out on a two-hour duty and was a couple of minutes late.

  Olga Sarapenko, wrapped up in her fleece coat, came back into the lodge. She had said she wanted some fresh air and had taken a cigarette outside.

  ‘Did you see Vorobyeva?’ asked Buslenko.

  She shrugged. ‘No. But I was only out on the porch. Maybe he’s further down the drive.’

  Buslenko looked at his watch. ‘He’s late. He’s never late.’ He picked up the two-way, hit the transmit button and called Vorobyeva. Silence. He called again. Still no reply.

  Buslenko didn’t need to give the order. Tenishchev and Serduchka unzipped the large canvas holdall in the corner and started passing out brand-new Ukrainian Vepr assault rifles and clips before taking a couple of AK74Ms for themselves.

  ‘Lights!’ Buslenko said, unholstering his Fort17 handgun. The night filled the lodge. The moon was not yet full, but reflected brightly off the snow. It traced the snow-smoothed edges of the drive and Buslenko followed its sweep round to where it disappeared into the dense forest. No fresh footprints. He looked at each one of his team in turn. Now he would find out how good they were. He signalled to Tenishchev who passed him the night-vision scope. Buslenko scanned the forest and the fringes of the drive for movement. Nothing.

  He used hand signals to order the team to spread and search. He indicated that Olga should stay in the lodge.

  It was impossible to move without making a noise. The snow had stopped falling, but the night-time drop in temperature had given it a sparkling crust which twinkled in the moonlight and crunched underfoot. Anyone waiting for them would be able to see and hear them. Buslenko’s mind raced. He knew something was wrong. Vorobyeva was now well overdue. He sent two teams of two out on either side of him: Tenishchev and Serduchka to the forest side of the track, Stoyan and the Berkut officer, Belotserkovsky, on the river side. He walked along the middle of the track, exposed, while the others covered him, their weapons sweeping from side to side. Buslenko strained the night for any sound of an enemy hidden in the forest, the sound of the river to his left became deafening.